Accident: an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap:
Today was a writing day but the stars had other plans for me. A friend of ours who has been visiting fell and broke his wrist in two places. I rushed him to the hospital where we spent a good portion of the day. He did not just break his poor wrist he crushed it.
The doctors worked on him and were able to put him back together again but next week he will have to have surgery. He is doing better right now but it was a very tough day for him.
Then my son came home from high school and told me that a boy he knew had had an accident last night and did not make it.
It just makes me think about how easily accidents happen. We raise our kids and try to protect them to the best of our ability. They of course, get upset with us for smothering them. What they do not realize is how much we love them and are afraid of those horrible accidents. Or what it took to bring them into this world.
In my case, I was in the hospital for over six weeks and gave birth to a healthy 1 lb, 7 oz. baby. He was a gift in my mind and my world centers around protecting him. I know I cannot be there all the time but boy I wish I could wrap him up in a protective screen.
Too many accidents today. Wish for a better tomorrow. Be Safe everyone!