Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Like Sand Through The Hourglass

           I have had a touch of the flu these last few days and have found myself drifting through the house. My mind has been in a horrific haze and not one good thought was able to stay in my head for more than a couple of seconds. This is not a good thing if you are trying desperately to continue with a story that needs your utmost attention.
Finding myself at a loss for words, I tried working on advertising for The Hand That Beats Thee. That worked out well and was able to get a few more links up in different spots. I am delighted to say that a few more copies of that digital eBook have sold.
Then tiring of that, I moved on to scanning Harry's design for the cover of The Wolves of The Iniakuk into the computer. I am trying to paint on the computer and must admit – I am not adept at it. I do live by the greatest motto of all time though, if at first you do not succeed, try, try again. After all, tomorrow is another day. Night All!

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