Last night at about 2:30 am, our dog Butch started growling. My husband told him to be quiet since our dogs have a tendency to growl at every leaf that falls off a tree. Then Butch started barking. My husband got up and looked out our window, which overlooks the driveway. He saw a large black shape and told me to go turn on the spotlight quickly.
As I was running to the outdoor light switch, I heard the clip clop of hooves beating on the asphalt. Stupidly, I thought, there must a moose in our driveway. Then it dawned on me that moose do not wear shoes. At the same time, my husband yelled out that the horses had broken loose.
Throwing on some clothes, I ran downstairs and started turning on all the outdoor lights. Paul was still upstairs trying to get dressed and find a large flashlight. We were trying to figure out if we had a rope that we could use as a lead when I saw the four-foot dog leash hanging on the bench. Now let me explain something before I continue. We have two Percheron horses. They both weigh over 2400 lbs. and stand at the withers (the highest part, at the back of the base of the neck) at about 6 feet tall. So, here I am, standing outside with a four-foot dog leash and watching my two gentle giants eat my front lawn.
I walked over to the first one (whom I prayed was Bart, since he is the easiest to halter) and slipped the loop of the dog leash over his big fat neck. Paul came out and saw me standing there with less than two feet of leash left and laughed. Hey, it worked. Paul then led Bart down the driveway towards the barn. I kept close behind but not to close because I know Chief was going to stampede his way back to the barn. Chief is the youngest (the troublemaker who broke the field fence and climbed through) and has to be right up his brother's you know what. He did his full gallop, so much so, that we could see the sparks from his shoes hitting the driveway.
Overall, got the boys back into the coral, fed them a ton of food shut the gate to the field and then for good measure turned on the electric fence. That will teach them. That was our fun night, what was yours? Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of the post.
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