Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'll always love you (food that is)

  After five years of not traveling, my family is finally going away. We are heading to Cancun during a school vacation and I thought it might be nice if I tried to lose a bit of winter weight.
   As I have mentioned in older posts that I LOVE to eat. Doesn't matter much what it is, healthy food, junk food, in my mind, food is food and I just want to eat. So I put a moratorium on myself and have convinced myself that eating Special K for breakfast, snacks and lunch truly fills me up. Obviously, I am crazy, because my brain is actually yelling at me to have a cheeseburger.
   I also decided it was time to get back into doing my yoga routine and my Wii Fit. The Wii Fit almost had a stroke when I got on it and did a body test. It gave out this horrible "OH" and then proceeded to tell me just how overweight I am. It also informed me that by carrying this much weight brings me to the age of a 57 year old. NICE, since I just turned 50 last month this made me so depressed, I wanted to go eat!
   For three weeks I worked out five out of seven days, watched what I ate (yes, Special K), and made very healthy dinners and no bad snacking. When I did my body test again, I had lost 2 pounds. The next day, all I did was work out and drink water and I gained one of those pounds back.
   I quit! If someone knows of one of those fabulous miracle weight loss tricks, let me know, I really need to be able to fit into a bathing suit come vacation time.

Meanwhile, I run around the house singing Fat Girl to the tune of Batman. Take care!

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