Thursday, August 18, 2011

It Must Be Drink Time Somewhere

     I really have to start this blog with my exciting news. Well, it is to me that is.
    Today on, somebody reviewed my short story "The Hand That Beats Thee" and WOW what an amazing review. 5 out of 5 stars and a great write up. Thank you so much to the wonderful critic.
    Now back to the daily news. Today was insane. Every time I sat down at the computer, someone drove up the driveway. First – the Ferrier stopped by to put new shoes on the horses. It really is too bad that the younger horse Chief does not like the Ferrier. Therefore, I spent twenty minutes chasing my horse around the corral with his halter. Finally got him to calm down and sent him into the stalks to get shoed. Bart, on the other hand, just stood there while I put his halter on. Good boy, Bart.
   After that, I came back up to the house. Three more people arrived but not at the same time. It was nice to see them all but I really needed to write. Harry helped clean the house and by two-o: clock I was safety sitting behind my keyboard doing what I love most.
   Guess the saying "It is not quantity but quality that matters" is true. In a few short hours I was able to finish part one of "The Wolves Of The Iniakuk." My people have made it to Alaska! The more I write of this story, the more I fall in love with it.
   Corned Beef in a fab glaze for dinner and I am off to do some reading. Goodnight!

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