Friday, September 30, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love

  I have not written on my blog or worked on any of my stories since Saturday and I feel as if I have let myself down. For those of you who read my last blog you will know that my in-laws were up visiting for awhile, well they have since left but then we had my favorite Jewish holiday to prepare for.

   Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) started on Wednesday night of this week and we had seven people (was supposed to be ten but a few people didn’t make it due to illness) in all for dinner. My dearest friend came over and we spent the day cooking for this wonderful holiday.

   The menu started with appetizers, my husband’s favorite, chopped liver and crackers, pastry puffs stuffed with sausage, peppers, onions and cheese and scallion rice pancakes served with a cucumber yogurt dip. The main meal was two roasted chickens which I had koshered for 24 hours ahead of time. This makes the bird so juicy and delicious. Skirt steak pinwheels that where rolled with a garlic butter, spinach and provolone cheese, scalloped, cheesy potatoes, a brussel sprout hash with bacon pieces and onions all sautéed together, spatzle which is kind of like a German gnocchi and we added Swiss cheese and sautéed onions and of course dinner rolls.

   For dessert, Renee and I made a torte consisting of layers of ginger cake with a pumpkin, cream cheese filling and whipped cream. We topped the whole creation with very thin ginger cookies and were amazed at how beautiful and delicious this came out.

  The meal came out fantastic and everybody overate.

  Yesterday we went to Temple for the Rosh Hashanah service which was very enjoyable. We do not attend temple very often but we are always left with such a good feeling when we do attend.

  Gosh, I love food! Have a great day and if you’re hungry I still have a few leftovers!

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